What is your idea of an ideal meal? Sushi? Steak with salad? Steamed broccoli with olive oil? Or milanesa with french fries? Whatever it's, the likelihood is that none of those dishes are enough to provide all of your nutritional needs.

What is your idea of an ideal meal?

What is your idea of an ideal meal? Sushi? Steak with salad? Steamed broccoli with olive oil? Or milanesa with french fries? Whatever it's, the likelihood is that none of those dishes are enough to provide all of your nutritional needs.

  • The physical body needs a diet, a healthy eating decide to function properly. This ensures that our body has the required nutrients to:
  • Grow and strengthen
  • Repair and heal
  • Reproduce successfully
  • Fight disease and infection
  • Avoid weight-related problems
Eating a spread of foods also helps us reduce the prospect of heart problems, strokes, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

What foods does our body got to stay healthy?
The foods we'd like are often divided into five categories.
Food groups
  • Main nutritional benefits
  • Fruits and vegetables (includes fresh, frozen, dried, canned, and juice fruits and vegetables
  • Vitamins, minerals, and fibers
  • Carbohydrates (includes bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes)
  • Energy, fibers, and minerals and vitamins
  • Meat, fish, eggs, and grains (fresh meat, fresh and canned fish, eggs, nuts, and legumes)
  • Milk, dairy products are (milk, cheese, and yogurt)
  • Proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  • Proteins and calcium
  • Foods with fats and sugar (includes cakes, cookies, and soft drinks)
  • Energy
Why can we need of these nutrients?
The reason we'd like a diet that contains foods from all of those groups is that each of them provides different vital nutritional benefits.
Fruits and vegetables are one among the most sources of vitamins and minerals that the body must perform a variety of functions.d vegetables have more nutrients than boiled or fried vegetables.
For example, vitamin A helps us to strengthen our system, B-complex vitamin to process the energy of food, D to stay our teeth and bones healthy and vitamin C to stay cells and tissues in fitness.
Steamed carrots and broccoli, just like the ones we see within the photo, contain a better proportion of vitamins than boiled or fried vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables (whether we consume them with or without skin) also contain an outsized amount of fiber that's wont to maintain the great state of the intestines and therefore the gastrointestinal system.
It is from carbohydrates that we get most of the energy. Our body converts these foods into glucose, which is either used for energy on the spot or stored for later use.
Carbohydrates also contain fiber (especially whole grains) and iron, which we'd like to form red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body.
Meat, fish, eggs, and legumes provide significant amounts of protein that are essentially the building block of our body.
Dairy products also are a crucial source of protein, and also calcium. This mineral - the foremost common within the body - is important for a variety of functions. one among these functions is to assist in blood coagulation and bone and tooth formation.
Fortunately, the group of fats and sugars - the foods that the majority folks find most tempting - also plays a task, as long as these foods are eaten carefully.
It also protects and cushions the interior organs.
Sugar is another food that provides us energy, either when it occurs naturally like fructose in fruit or sucrose in table sugar.
Other sources of carbohydrates, like starches, are a far better choice for the nutrients they supply." explains Lidia Kelly, a nutrition specialist with the united kingdom Public Health Service.

Healthy portions
Try to base your meals on (starch) carbohydrates, like bread, pasta, or potatoes. Include a good sort of fruits and vegetables in your diet and check out to erode least one or two servings with each mealLidia Kelly, nutritionist, UK Public Health Service
So how can we consume all this sort of food in one day?
Include a good sort of fruits and vegetables in your diet and check out to erode least one or two servings with each meal," says Kelly.
Then choose a source of calcium, trying to incorporate three portions of low-fat dairy," adds the nutritionist.
While a reduced amount of sugar-rich foods is suitable, Kelly warns that "eating sugar too often can deteriorate your teeth. It also can cause weight gain, if dietary sugar provides us with more energy than we use."
And many nutritionists agree that there's no such thing as a "superfood." What matters is that the balance of the diet. nobody food can give us all the nutrients we'd like, so a diet should include a good sort of foods from each of the five groups.
Let's not forget the fluids
Fluids also are vital for our bodies to function effectively, and therefore the best fluid of all is water.
A healthy physical body is formed from two-thirds of water. Fluids are necessary to assist the blood transport nutrients and waste through the body and also are involved within. 



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