Keto Diet: Permitted, Prohibited Foods, and Recipes

Keto Diet: Permitted, Prohibited Foods, and Recipes.

The keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is one of the most controversial that exists, and yet it does not go out of style due to its indisputable effectiveness in losing weight. We tell you everything you need to know about this controversial diet, capable of turning the body into a fat-burning machine. Find out if it is the best option to achieve your goals!

What is the keto diet?
Not everything goes
Keto diet and muscle mass
benefits of the Keto diet
Keto Diet Side Effects
What to eat?
Ketogenic Diet: Food Allowed
Ketogenic Diet: Prohibited Foods
keto diet recipes
Related News

What does the keto diet consist of?

The term keto is an abbreviation from the English word "ketogenic". The purpose of this diet is to convert fat into our body's main energy fuel, bringing it to a state of ketosis.
The ketosis occurs when creating a deficit of carbohydrates, and our body begins to produce so-called ketone bodies, able to break down fats into shorter chains and make these happen to be the main source of energy. Thus, fats become an alternative fuel in the absence of glucose.
A prolonged fasting situation can also lead to a ketosis situation, but it is NOT a viable and safe alternative to losing weight.

Not everything goes
Although with the keto diet fats become the main energy source of our body, it is not synonymous with the fact that you can eat any type of fat, and that is the quality of these fats influences. If we look for sources of healthy fats (unsaturated fats such as nuts or bluefish) the lower the risk of increasing levels of bad cholesterol or LDL.

Keto diet and muscle mass

There are different variants of ketogenic diets, such as the Dukan Diet or the Atkin Diet, although all of them have in common a higher protein intake compared to other diets and a minimum of carbohydrates.
This does not mean that the keto diet is synonymous with a hyper protein diet, in fact, it is a targeted diet for those who want to lose weight and is not recommended for athletes who want to gain muscle mass. In addition to protein intake is not adequate to achieve muscle anabolism, people who follow this diet may experience tiredness and weakness, which will also affect the quality of training.
We recommend the keto diet to lose weight, and always in periods of no more than 4 weeks in a row, since in the long term it can lead to loss of muscle mass. It is recommended to take a specific supplement for the maintenance of muscle mass, such as glutamine with BCAA.

Keto Diet Benefits

Rapid weight loss
Reduced appetite
It allows consuming prohibited foods in most weight-loss diets, which can positively affect mood

Keto Diet Side Effects

Increased feeling of tiredness
Bad breath (caused by the appearance of ketone bodies)
In the long term, it can cause loss of muscle mass, so it is not suitable for athletes, nor can it be done in consecutive periods of more than 1 month.
Diet Food

What to eat

Ketogenic diet: Food allowed

Protein shakes
Unprocessed meats
Whole dairy

Ketogenic Diet: Banned Foods

Sugary soft drinks
Wheat and oat flour
Industrial bread and pastries
Potatoes and pulses

Keto diet recipes

If you have just started and are looking for recipes for the keto diet, you cannot miss our sports recipes section where you will find the best ideas so that dieting becomes a pleasure. In addition, you can find all the ingredients on our website at the best price guaranteed and with shipping within 24 hours.


Written by Admin

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