Healthy food

Healthy food

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A healthy food is one that's good or beneficial for health or that gives it. The organism works on the idea of vitamins, minerals, and multiple substances and nutrients that food provides. But they're not only necessary to hold out daily activities, but an accurate selection and food planning can prevent numerous diseases and conditions that, in many cases, occur precisely thanks to an intake of unhealthy food and bad habits, like smoking or consuming alcohol.

One of the samples of healthy food lists is that the one that contains the Mediterranean diet, which is formed from varied products that, together, provide the required nutrients for day to day, while preventing diseases like atherosclerosis and cholesterol.

In addition to having a variety and diet, it's also important to follow a series of healthy habits, like exercising, avoiding stress the maximum amount as possible, and getting enough rest.

It is important to understand that exclusive diets shouldn't be administered since most of the foods and products that exist are necessary to take care of healthiness, that is, it's necessary to take care of a stable weight and avoid obesity while consuming them. Carbohydrate-rich foods, which should structure 50 percent of a traditional person's diet. Prioritizing the intake of the foods included during this list of healthy foods shouldn't imply the exclusion of other products that also are necessary for the body to hold out its functions.


Fruit may be a food that ought to not be missing in any healthy diet since most of the vitamins that are needed on a day to day come from them. Although two examples are established here, any choice of this sort of product is useful. The healthiest fruits include:

 Kiwi: it's one among the richest fruits in vitamin C, an important component for the creation of the substance that's produced between white blood cells which is important to take care of high levels of defenses that help the system to defend itself against external threats. It also has very high percentages of fiber and water, which makes it a recommended fruit to combat constipation and reduce.

• Apple: Contains, among other components, pectin, flavonoids, malic acid, and quercitin, elements that help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which is why they're recommended to stop cardiovascular diseases. This's also rich in potassium and vitamin E.


Vegetables have always been considered as an example of beneficial health foods that ought to not be missing in meals. However, it's green leafy vegetables that contain the foremost vitamins and nutrients. The vegetables which will be included during a healthy diet are:

• Broccoli: it's the vegetable that contains the very best nutritional value per unit weight of the edible product. additionally, to be rich in vitamin C, niacin, and vitamin Bc, it contains beta-carotene and vitamin E, so it's an antioxidant and cell regeneration effect.

• Carrot: It stands out for its high beta-carotene content and its antioxidant properties. Its consumption reduces the impact of free radicals, harmful agents which will be produced both by external causes, like contamination, and internal causes, of the body itself, and which attack cells favoring the looks of degenerative diseases, like premature aging.

Cereals and pulses

Cereals and legumes have always had a prominent role within the history of food, because of both their low cost of production and their nutritional benefits (they provide energy while being low in fat). These products include:

• Brown rice: the very fact that it's brown prevents it from losing a number of its properties within the refining processes to which it's subjected in most cases. additionally, to be a product that gives tons of energy, it's a coffee fat content and is extremely rich in fiber.

• Broad beans: they're the legumes richest in iron, although being vegetable type it's harder to soak up, so it's advisable to consume products rich in vitamin C, which favors their absorption. They also contain vitamin B1 and niacin, additionally to minerals like manganese, copper, calcium, and phosphorous.


Fish is high in protein, while low in saturated fat, despite being a food of animal origin. they're also an honest source of vitamins and minerals, also as omega 3 fatty acids, recommended for lowering cholesterol and preventing heart condition. Two of the healthiest fish are:

• Salmon: it's one among the fish richest in omega 3 fatty acids, so it helps reduce cholesterol and maintain proper brain function. it's important when cooking, to grill or to the oven, since frying it negatively influences and oxidizes its content in essential fats.

• Sardines: additionally to containing omega 3 fatty acids, it's also a source of calcium, since it's a soft-bone fish, therefore the thermal procedures to which they're subjected for consumption cause the calcium in their bones to pass into the meat.


Meat may be a rich source of protein, vitamin B12, zinc, iodine, selenium, and phosphorus, essential elements for the right functioning of the body. White meats are healthier than red meats, as they supply an outsized amount of protein while being low in fat. Two samples of healthy white meats are:

• Chicken or Turkey: Although white meats, like chicken and turkey, are less rich in iron and zinc than red meats, they're high in phosphorus and potassium. Furthermore, they're rich in vitamin Bc and niacin, which helps the gastrointestinal system, skin, and nerves to function, and is vital for converting food into energy.

• Rabbit: it's a high protein content while being low in fat. It also features a low sodium content, so it is often consumed by people with hypertension.

Within the Mediterranean diet, the consumption of other products, like vegetable oil and wine, is additionally common. The oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which raises "good" cholesterol levels without increasing total cholesterol levels. additionally, because of monounsaturated fatty acid and its vegetable fats, it helps reduce the danger of blockages within the arteries


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