Ten foods that help reduce body fat in a healthy way.

Ten foods that help reduce body fat in a healthy way.

Eggs, dairy products, fish, green tea, and nuts are some of the foods that should be included in the diet.

With less than three months to go in the summer, many people are starting to try different diets and exercise. But beyond the aesthetic issue, a new lifestyle contributes to better health and rhythm of life. 

1. Eggs and dairy.
Eggs and dairy
They are an excellent source of protein with a minimum contribution of fat, especially when dairy products are defatted. The main advantage of proteins and dairy is that generally speaking, they are absorbed more quickly and stimulate muscle growth, which facilitates fat loss.

2. Fish.
In addition to their high protein content and good quality, the darker variants contain a significant amount of Omega 3, EPA and DHA fatty acids, which help to modulate the inflammation generated by excess accumulation of fat in the body, as well as contribute to improving the function of the hormone insulin.

3. Chicken, turkey, and beef.
These three foods are a source of high-quality protein since they contain essential amino acids in sufficient quantities and are almost completely absorbed in our bodies. Maintaining the amount of muscle mass is key in any weight loss process and, for this, there is nothing better than the supply of good sources of protein. On the other hand, these foods help to generate satiety and appetite control. However, it is necessary to choose the cuts to be consumed so as not to generate a high contribution of saturated fat present in these meats.

4.Green tea.
Green tea
Green tea catechins act as antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation caused by excess adipose tissue. Furthermore, green tea, as well as coffee, is lipolytic, as it stimulates the release of fat from fat cells. While green tea is not a "fat burner", it can help ease the process.

5. Nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts).
Nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts)
The high content of unsaturated fatty acids plays an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health, as well as improving the response of insulin, a hormone that in an altered state makes it difficult to lose adiposity. In addition, they help a lot to control the appetite.

6. Olive oil.
Olive oil
Accompanying salads, olive oil is a good ally to improve cardiovascular health and keep a set of hormones in good working order, including insulin.

7. Legumes (beans, lentils, Pallares, chickpeas).
Legumes (beans, lentils, Pallares, chickpeas)
Legumes have a high content of insoluble fiber in relation to their weight, which allows, on the one hand, to provide a lower volume of energy in a given volume and, on the other hand, to reduce the absorption of lipids from the diet and avoid marked elevations of blood glucose.

8. Oatmeal.

Oatmeal is a cereal with a high content of both soluble and insoluble fiber, especially β-glucan, which allows the absorption of dietary fats to be reduced, as well as the fact that glucose from foods does not generate very high peaks. high in our blood. Despite these beneficial effects, it must be remembered that oatmeal contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, so its consumption must be controlled.

9. Fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables
In general, fruits contain a significant amount of insoluble fiber and little energy intake, which makes them suitable for reducing body fat. However, due to the carbohydrate content in fruits, it is not advisable to abuse them.

10.Tubers (potato and sweet potato).
Tubers (potato and sweet potato)
In addition to fiber content, they contain a relatively low contribution of carbohydrates and energy depending on their weight.


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