How to stick to a diet

Howto stick to a diet

Dieting is not easy anymore, it is more difficult to persevere. Maybe you have lost motivation for months or weeks. If you want to stick to a diet, you have to maintain motivation, resist temptation, and change your methods as much as possible. Follow the steps below to learn it.

Stay motivated
Make a plan and stick to it

Make a plan and stick to it.
 Stay motivated by setting goals and implementing plans. If your goal is just "weight loss", then there is no motivation to have specific goals and plans. It should do this:
First, think about how much weight you plan to lose and how fast you can lose weight. You cannot lose 50 pounds in a month, but as long as you follow the plan, it is still possible to lose 5 pounds a month. Set wedding, beach barbecue, new school year, etc. as the target date.
Make a weekly plan. How much is going to be reduced every week? Choose one day a week to weigh yourself. Don't call it every day, or you will be very anxious.
Make a week's exercise plan. It is not practical to make a one-month exercise plan in advance, but it is feasible to make a weekly exercise plan.
Incentive to stick to the plan by recording diet, exercise, and weight loss every week. Recording will help, but you ca n’t be too tangled with every food you eat.
You can also record your thoughts during the diet and write about which methods are effective and which are not. This will make you more aware of your progress.

Be strong in your heart. 
Whenever you relax, you should remind yourself of the original intention of dieting. Is it to be more stylish in a bikini? Is it because of weight that affects health? Do you want to lose 20 pounds since college? Whatever the reason, remember to remind yourself to stick to the plan so that you can achieve your goals. The following methods can prevent you from slacking:
Imagine what you expect to be and the changes before and after weight loss. When you are unwilling to exercise or want to eat ice cream, think about your ideal state.
Put a sentence on your computer or desk that inspires you. Always remind you of the original intention of dieting.
If you want to return to your previous weight, you can put a previous photo on the desk.
Put a card in your wallet and write the reason for your diet. It allows you to see it often and always remind you why you decided to diet.
Reward yourself when you perform well

Reward yourself when you perform well.
 Perseverance in dieting requires strong perseverance, and you should always encourage yourself. Reward yourself when you perform well so you will be more motivated to persevere. It should do this:
Reward yourself for every 5-10 pounds lost. According to your own weight loss plan, you will be rewarded every time you reach a phased goal. Such as a sundae or a meal you like, this can improve your mood.
If you do well this week, you can reward yourself on the weekend. It is not necessary to eat very healthy every day.
For every pound you lose, you must say to yourself, "You are great." The reward does not have to be related to food. If you can keep on dieting for a month, you can reward yourself with a new pair of shoes.
Don't fight alone

Don't fight alone.
If you find a partner in a dieting exercise, you will be more motivated. With mutual encouragement, you can stick to it. How to avoid fighting alone:
Find a dieting partner. If someone happens to need to improve your body like you, you can exercise together and encourage each other. Work out a fitness plan and a weekly diet plan together to help you persevere.
Join a weight loss group. Participate in the exchange meeting or communicate through the Internet, knowing that there are so many people working with you, you will be more motivated.
If you ca n’t find a partner in the dieting campaign, find someone you can talk to, such as a friend or lover. Let him listen and help you through the tormented period.

Don't punish yourself
Fall in love with the food you eat

Fall in love with the food you eat.
 Don't force yourself to eat a certain food because of its weight loss effect. Try different recipes and change your diet. Controlling your diet does n’t mean you have to eat what you hate, it means you discover more healthy options. It should do this:
Go to the supermarket or market to buy fresh local produce. Try a new fruit and new vegetable every week and learn to turn it into a delicacy.
Don't eat the food you hate. If you can't stand the taste of tofu or really hate black rice, don't force yourself.
Make your favorite foods healthier. If you love pasta and meatballs, try whole wheat noodles and vegetarian meatballs.
Find a sport you love

Find a sport you love. 
Try dance classes, table tennis, swimming, and other sports. Once interested, it is easier to persevere. If you like running, you will find this is a good sport to enjoy the sun and the beauty. It should do this:
Don't do what makes you suffer. If you hate running, you do n’t have to run. You can walk for 20 minutes every day if you like.
Try new sports. Dance, yoga, or Pilates can be tried, you will find new hobbies.
Comprehensive sports. If you do n’t hate running but do n’t want to run three times a week, you can run on the first day, do yoga on the second day, and swim on the third day. Doing so will keep you physically and mentally active and not boring.
Don't overdo it. You don't have to exercise every day or 5-6 times a week. Take a break when you are tired, then you will enjoy it more when you exercise next time.

Don't be hungry

Don't be hungry.
If you want to eat anything when you are too hungry, you ca n’t stick to a healthy diet. The more hungry, the more impulsive to eat junk food. Starving can also make you weak, tired, irritable, and negative. To avoid starvation:
Eat something every few hours. Do not eat for more than 5-6 hours.
Carry healthy snacks with you.
If you know that the meal time will be delayed, eat healthy snacks first to avoid being hungry.
do not starve. In other words, women can't have less than 1200 calories per day and men have 1500. Excessive dieting can make people dizzy and dizzy, both dangerous and not conducive to long-term persistence.

Occasionally relax once

Occasionally relax once.
Reward yourself when you are doing well. In addition, you should occasionally relax and not put yourself under too much pressure. As long as you are not completely indulgent, relaxing once in a while will make you feel better.
If friends all go to dinner, do n’t be absent even if you know you will eat unhealthy. Gather with friends, even if you eat unhealthy things, you can still do exercise to make up.
Occasionally satisfy my appetite. If you especially want to eat chocolate cookies, it is better to buy them for eating, which is worse than eating all the food in the pantry.
Every 5-10 meals of healthy food, you can relax once. This will allow you to stick to a healthy diet longer.


Small changes have a big effect. Switch to a small tableware to make your food look a little more, you will not eat too much. Eat slowly so that the brain has enough time to know it is full.
Keep junk food away from sight. In this way, you will avoid seeing random eating.
Occasionally relax once. In the long run, it is easier to persevere, because you will not be too stressed.
Find a partner in the dieting campaign and encourage each other to supervise.


It's necessary to stick to a healthy diet, but don't get too tangled. If you suffer from eating syndrome, seek medical attention in a timely manner.
The diet should be controlled, but not excessive dieting. If women are less than 1200 calories per day, and men are less than 1500 calories, they will suffer from malnutrition and affect their health.


How to Get Your BodyAccustomed to a Warm Climate

How to Get Your BodyAccustomed to a Warm Climate

Adapting to the Torrid Climate
Stay Active in the Heat
Stay Safe and Healthy

High temperatures aren't just a nuisance; if you are not used to them, they can be very dangerous. Whether you are a construction worker, a gardener, a professional athlete, or that you have simply moved to a location with a torrid climate, there are some simple measures that you can take to gradually get used to the surrounding environment and fight the heat. In addition to this, be sure to wear light, breathable clothing, drink plenty of water, and pay attention to warning signs that indicate overheating.
Adapting to the Torrid Climate

Start with light recreational activities. When you have to get used to the heat, it is better to devote yourself to pleasant and simple things until you understand how the body responds. Take a brisk walk, kick the ball, or engage in some small gardening work, but be careful not to overdo it; if you stay outdoors for too long, you can quickly feel exhausted.
·         If you've recently moved to a warmer location, you may not be ready to do your normal routine.
·         Get out early in the morning, when temperatures are still tolerable, and gradually get used to the heat that will increase over the course of the day.

Reduce the power of the air conditioner. Raise the thermostat temperature by 1 or 2 degrees every day for a couple of weeks; in this way, the internal climatic conditions become more and more similar to the external ones and, by exposing it constantly and gradually to higher average temperatures, the body can do nothing but adapt.
·         As a general goal, you should set the thermostat so that the internal temperature is not 10 ° C lower than the external one, once the correct acclimatization peak is reached.
·         The acclimatization times will be much slower if you constantly rely on air conditioning to cool down.

Prepare yourself mentally. Before going out, drink at least 350 ml of freshwater to ensure proper hydration. Take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves and be ready to sweat; the sultry heat is overwhelming however you look at it, the sooner you get used to the situation and the more prepared you are to face it.
·         Be patient; getting used to any temperature change takes time.

Don't get depressed. It will take about a week to start noticing the absence of physiological discomforts for which you have worked hard. In order not to lose the results achieved, you must continue to face the heat at least every two days; once lost, you will have to start all over again to regain acclimatization.
·         Maintain a regular schedule of outdoor physical activity; for best results, you should work hard at least 2-3 times a week.

Stay Active in the Heat

Do small sessions of intense physical activity. When you are adjusting to the new climate for outdoor training, it is best to start with sessions of about 15 minutes of moderate exercise; as the adaptation progresses, you can add 2-3 minutes each time. Take frequent breaks to rest and try not to move too quickly.
·         Pay close attention to how you feel after each workout; if you notice that your performance has decreased, do not risk further and reduce the intensity of the exercise or take longer breaks.
·         An average individual typically needs around two weeks to acclimatize to the heat.

Drink lots of water. Don't skimp on freshwater before riding a bike, hiking or running, and plan several breaks to hydrate yourself while exercising. If you are working hard in conditions of suffocating heat, it is essential that the body's tissues are well-watered; the high temperatures make you sweat constantly, even if you are not carrying out demanding physical activity.
·         Dehydration can trick you, replenish fluids at regular intervals, even if you don't feel thirsty.
·         Always carry a bottle of water with you or make sure you always have another source nearby.
·         Sports drinks allow you to replenish not only the liquids, but also the essential electrolytes necessary to keep the muscles active and strong during training.

Gradually increase the time you spend outdoors. After the first two weeks or so that you are in the new environment, increase the duration of the sessions to one hour each time; this soon becomes easier and you can start spending longer and longer periods in the open air. If your goal is to acclimatize as quickly as possible, organize an adaptation path that will gradually lead you to resist outdoors for at least two hours a day.
·         Once you are able to comfortably stay outdoors for two or more hours a day, you start settling in more easily to activity and rest.
·         To improve the degree of tolerance, make sure to find some areas with a little shade or to remove non-essential clothes, rather than seeking refuge in the house.

Don't go beyond your limits. Monitor your heart rate, breathing closely, and be prepared to stop the activity for that day if you start to lose control. Even if you are an athlete at high levels, there comes a time when the body is no longer able to withstand the effort when it is too hot and in that case your continuous attempts can go from difficult to dangerous.
·         You must listen to the body and not blindly follow the exercise routine. When you feel very hot, stop what you are doing and look for a place in the shade to rest a little, even if you have not finished the training session.
·         Consider dividing the exercise into multiple shorter sessions to reduce the risk of overheating.

Stay Safe and Healthy

Wear light clothing. Choose short dresses, such as T-shirts, shorts, vests and sportswear that wicks sweat away, until you have developed a sort of "immunity" from the heat. Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is also recommended to allow the skin to breathe. In any case, whatever you decide to wear, it is important that it is breathable enough to release the heat and prevent it from getting trapped near the body.
·         Choose light-colored clothes instead of dark ones, because they reflect the sun's rays, reducing the heat that is retained, unlike the dark ones that instead absorb it.

Reintegrate loss of nutrients with food. Eat many foods rich in healthy electrolytes, also take vitamins and minerals before and after venturing outdoors; fruits and vegetables such as bananas, spinach, avocados, and beans are all excellent choices. Just as it is essential to maintain proper hydration, it is equally important to assimilate appropriate nutrients to take care of the body.
·         Do not avoid salty foods, because they trigger the phenomenon of water retention and in your case they are useful for fighting dehydration.
·         Protein-rich foods, such as lean meat, fish, eggs and dried fruit, make you feel full for a long time without weighing you down. 

Recognize the symptoms of a heat stroke. Some of the most common signs that indicate heat-related disorders are dizziness, nausea, exaggerated tiredness, and tachycardia. If you notice you have some of these symptoms, stop what you are doing right away, and find a cool place to protect yourself from the heat.
·         A fresh shower (not cold, because a drastic change can cause a shock) can help bring the body back to normal temperature.
·         If neglected, the heatstroke can be fatal; use common sense and for your well-being avoid unnecessary changes.

·         Make sure you don't suffer from any medical complications before taking individual steps to adjust to the new climatic conditions.
·         Do not remove sweat from the body: it is one of the most effective natural methods of cooling the body.
·         Observe the color of the urine; if it is light, it is fine, but if it is dark yellow, it can indicate dehydration.
·         If you are preparing for an exercise session or a long day at work, eat small meals before starting, so as not to get sick.
·         Apply a high protection sunscreen (minimum factor 50), wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect the skin.
·         Since the body struggles to retain liquids, it is not recommended to drink drinks such as coffee, alcohol or sugary drinks when you need to stay hydrated.
·         If the symptoms of heatstroke do not begin to disappear within 15 minutes, seek immediate medical attention.


5 Extremely good foods to assist prevent disorder effectively

Experts means 5 foods to stop disorder should be included within the family daily meal, extremely good support for the health of cardiovascular patients.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer in many countries around the world. So, in order to cope with and prevent cardiovascular problems, besides using cardiovascular medicine, you can also apply some home remedies to improve treatment results. At the same time, they also have the ability to support improved heart health significantly.
Among them, the focus on nutrition is the most widely used method due to its simplicity and significant effectiveness.
Hat food is good for the cardiovascular system? 

1. Blueberries
Kathleen Zelman, nutrition director of the "US Internet Health Information Services Platform" and master of public health, said blueberries topped the list of heart-healthy foods. Blueberries are not only delicious but also rich in antioxidants.
According to the US Blueberry High Shrub Commission, the researchers believe that the antioxidants in blueberries may reduce the buildup of "harmful" low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the artery walls, the culprit. cardiovascular and stroke.
Antioxidants help neutralize harmful metabolites called free radicals, which can cause cancer and other age-related diseases.

The anthocyanins found in blueberries are an antioxidant and are considered to be good for health. Experts recommend a glass of blueberries (about 220g) per day. Fresh, frozen, or dried blueberries are all good. In addition, blueberries can also be added to cereals and muffins.
2. Salmon
Salmon is everywhere, affordable and quick processing. Salmon is also one of the best sources of "healthy fats" known as omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fat can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing the level of triglyceride (Triglyceride) in the body. Triglycerides are blood fats associated with heart disease and diabetes.
Many studies have also found that omega-3 fatty acids can prevent blood clots by reducing the risk of platelet aggregation and adhesion to artery walls. The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fish (especially fatty fish like salmon) per week. Each serving of fish is about 85-170 grams.
3. Soy protein
Soy protein is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and is a good substitute for red meat. Compared to several meats, soy protein features a lower fat content and better fiber content. Studies have shown that for people with high cholesterol levels, soy protein combined with a healthy diet can effectively lower cholesterol levels.
Both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Heart Association recommend eating at least 28 grams of soy protein per day. Soy protein can be obtained from soybeans, soy nuts, soy milk, soy flour, and tofu.
4. Oats
Kim Seidl, a spokesman for the US "Committee of Responsible Medical Doctors" said the wonderful effect of eating oatmeal every morning. Eating half a cup of oatmeal daily will only consume about 130 calories, while providing 5 grams of heart-healthy fiber, helping to lower cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy weight.
Dr. Peter Schulman, a cardiologist at the University of Connecticut Medical Center, says another benefit of oatmeal is that it creates a feeling of fullness and lasts until lunchtime, so you won't get tempted by unhealthy snacks.

Oats also help reduce the risk of diabetes, of which diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease. It is important to eat whole grains instead of refined grains. Refined or processed grains lose a lot of nutrients and fiber.

The American Dietetic Association recommends that, depending on gender and age, daily fiber intake should be maintained between 21-38 grams.
5. Spinach
This familiar vegetable contains tons of nutrients to assist the body stay healthy
This dark green leafy vegetable (and its close relatives like kale, broccoli and green cabbage) is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can prevent heart disease. Dr. Suzanne Havala Hobbs, a clinical assistant professor at the University of North Carolina pointed out that such vegetables are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
In addition, spinach is rich in folic acid, which helps reduce homocysteine ​​levels in the blood. High homocysteine ​​levels are a newly discovered risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat one cup of dark green leafy vegetables every day.